Monday, February 10, 2014

Blog #3

In the aforementioned cartoon, one judge is asking another "Do you ever have one of those days when everything seems unconstitutional?". Basically, what the cartoonist is trying to say is that in a lot of rulings, the Supreme Court almost always rules cases unconstitutional without much thought, just because they can. The "days" the judge is talking about is when they just rule everything unconstitutional in order to get the case over with.

Even though this is what I think the cartoonist is saying, I personally disagree with this point of view. I believe that since cases take so long to actually reach the Supreme Court and it requires a lot of work to get up there, the Supreme Court would take great consideration in reaching a verdict. If something is ruled unconstitutional, it is because the Court has looked into it thoroughly and through many lenses, and not just because they are being complacent about the case. Essentially, the court is held in very high regard and is there to provide fair and true verdicts in the long run. For example, in the famous case of Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court thoroughly and fairly reconsidered the Plessy v. Ferguson verdict and overall ruled that separation is not equal. In Roe v. Wade, the court did not just simply rule abortion unconstitutional, but that under the constitution women did have the right to make their own choices in this aspect. In conclusion, the Supreme Court does a great job in serving the country.

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